Автор: ahousekeeper | 30 марта, 2010

«От диалога к действию 2010»

Источник: ARMACAD


Резюме: Центр по трансформации конфликтов «Imagine» организует диалог между молодёжными активистами Армении и Азербайджана. В начале проекта будет проведены семинары в Ереване и Баку, самые активные участники которых в период 26 июня — 4 июля примут участие в совместных армяно-азербайджанских встречах в одном из курортных городов Грузии. Цель встреч — разработать проекты для дальнейшего ведения армяно-азербайджанского диалога в режиме онлайн, что позволит вовлечь в диалог новые — ещё более широкие — группы участников с обеих сторон. Финальная часть «От диалога к действию 2010» предпологает осуществление разработанных проектов онлайн-общения армян и азербайджанцев в блогосфере и социальных сетях.

is inviting applications for


Azerbaijani-Armenian Dialogue Program


  • Equip participants with skills and knowledge in conflict resolution and communication
  • Introduce basics of social media tools and their role in conflict resolution
  • Provide opportunity to discuss the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict
  • Provide opportunity to participate in a dialogue with their peers from across the border

The 2010 Program will consist of three phases:

  • Phase 1: Conflict Resolution and Social Media Skills Training that will take place in Baku and Yerevan on April 30-May 2, 2010. In addition to conflict resolution and communication skills, the participants will be offered a workshop on social media and its role in conflict resolution
  • Phase 2: The most active participants of the training will be considered to participate in Armenian-Azerbaijani Dialogue and Retreat Program in a resort town in Georgia. This program will take place on June 26- July 4, 2010. During the workshop the participants will have a dialogue and will focus then on developing mechanisms of management of online dialogue projects to engage larger groups in two countries into cross-border dialogue
  • Phase 3: follow up activities, where the participants of the previous two phases will apply their newly develop skills to design and implement joint cross-border activities using social media


Interested candidates please visit http://www.imaginedialogue.com for more details and to get a copy of the application. Deadline for application for Phase 1 is Thursday, April 15.

Application package for Phase 1 should include: your resume and filled out application with answers to all the questions outlined. Please send your applications to application@imaginedialogue.com

About the Imagine Center’s programs

Imagine Center for Conflict Transformation is an independent, non-profit organization based in the United States that is dedicated to working across borders to contribute to sustainable peace in the Caucasus. The Center have been started by conflict resolution practitioners from Azerbaijan, Armenia in 2007 implements youth dialogue, social media and academic activities in the region.

The goals of the Imagine program are to:

  • Change the negative attitudes and perceptions among young leaders of Armenian and Azerbaijan toward each other;
  • Create a network of professionals across conflict lines;
  • Jointly generate new learning that can be used in the peace process;
  • Equip participants with theoretical knowledge and practical to effectively design and implement joint cross-border projects;
  • Equip participants with social media tools and integrate social Media into Cross-Border Work

If you have additional questions, you can visit http://www.imaginedialogue.com or contact the Azerbaijani co-director Jale Sultanli at jale@imaginedialogue.com or the Armenian co-director Phil Gamaghelyan at phil@imaginedalogue.com

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